June 2021 - Cooktown Discovery Festival

On the last night of the Cooktown Discovery Festival, an elder of the Guugu Yimithirr people threw a flaming spear into the Endeavour River which started off the fireworks. 

Fireworks on the bank of the Endeavour  River 

Road Trip up the Rex Range and through the Savannah up to Cooktown for the Discovery festival 2021.

Road Trip to Cooktown

Cape Peninsula 

Grassy Hill Lookout

Reenactment of Delivering the Gold

Old Cooktown 

Excellent Music at the Cooktown Hotel and a Trip to Finch Bay 

Beauty Rich and rare

Cooktown Botanic Gardens

Botanic Cruise on the Endeavour River

Sunset over the Endeavour River

Indigenous song dance and stories

Keatings Lagoon

The Discovery Centre

Daintree Dazzle on Cape Kimberley Beacch

Wawu Dimbi means “spirit in the background”. Thornton Peak is the spirit in the background the same as Mt Demi, Manjal Dimbi, is the mountain in the background of Mossman. If you drive to the end of Forest Creek Road this is where you end up. It used to be a cattle property but now the Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation will use it as an education centre and the site will be revegetated. The property is alongside the Daintree River.

A Drive to Wawu Dimbi 

And in June the Sugar Cane Flowers 
